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Obsolete system

The education system of Pakistan is in a state of disarray. This system has had far-reaching consequences for the country’s prosperity. Due to outdated models, its stagnation has hampered the sustainability of Pakistan. Moreover, these models have failed to meet the demands of the 21st century. Some of these problems include low government investment in education, which remains the lowest in the South Asian region. Approximately 26 million children are out of school. And the outdated curricula encourage rote learning, memorisation, and syllabus-oriented education rather than fostering creativity or critical thinking. A lack of accountability and non-transparent recruitment have further weakened Pakistan’s education system.

These challenges are not limited to schools and colleges; universities also face issues such as outdated syllabi, ineffective assessment methods, and obsolete examination systems. The government must prioritise the education system and implement necessary reforms. Recruitment should be based on merit, the culture of rote and schools should also be well-equipped with adequate facilities, a uniform curriculum, and advanced teaching methodologies.

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