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Chickens in Multan and eggs in Lahore became more expensive

Chickens in Multan and eggs in Lahore became more expensive.

In Lahore, the price of broiler poultry has not changed in the official price of Lahore and the price per kg of meat has been maintained by Rs 595.

The wholesale rate of living broiler poultry in Lahore has been fixed at Rs 397 while the retail rate of living broiler chicken has been fixed at Rs 411.

11 items expensive in a week nationwide, 16 cheap, 24 prices stability

In Lahore, the price of eggs has increased by two rupees to Rs 272 per dozen due to an increase of two rupees. The last day was Rs 270.

In Multan, the price of live broiler mucus has increased by two rupees, the wholesale rate of 399 and the retail rate of the living broiler has been Rs 413, while the eggs per dozen are maintained at Rs 259.

(tagstotranslate) eggs and chciken rats ”

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