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ANF ​​fails abroad abroad.

The Anti -Narcotics Force (ANF) has thwarted drug trafficking abroad.

According to the spokesman ANF, 248 grams of heroin from a passenger bag departing at Jinnah International Airport Karachi, 132 kilos and 400 grams of ice were recovered from a house in Moshar Colony and 3 suspects were arrested.

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In an operation, 3 operations were carried out in a Suzuki pickup near Motorway Toll Plaza Islamabad and two suspects were arrested by recovering 5kg of 500 grams of heroin and 1 kg 500 grams ice.

In the second operation, two suspects in the vehicle were arrested and recovered 2.4kg of opium and 2.4kg of hashish while 8kg 400 grams of hashish was recovered from the car while two suspects were arrested.

2 kg 400 grams of hashish was recovered from Sialkot motorcycle Sandalism, 12kg of hashish recovered from a car near a hospital in Sukkur and arrested 2 suspects, 18kg of hashish was recovered from 2 suspects, two suspects.

In various operations, 15 accused were arrested and 185 kilograms of drugs worth Rs.2.5 million were recovered.

(tagstotranslate) drug trafficking ”

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