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fter a four month winter sojourn in rural sindh and karachi s water bodies migratory birds from siberia begin their arduous journey back home fleeing freezing temperatures and scarce food sources photo express

Feathered guests from Siberia returning home


Feathered guests from colder regions as far as Siberia have started returning home after their months-long sojourn in the water bodies of rural Sindh, including in Karachi.

These migratory birds, which fly to Sindh from the Siberian tundra in search of food, are seen flocking back as part of their annual marathon journey.

Increasingly frequent sightings of flocks of birds returning in an organised manner are being reported in urban areas too.

The arrival of these migratory birds typically begins at the start of winter, as they make their way from the frigid regions of the world, particularly Siberia.

These birds follow the “Indus Flyway,” covering thousands of miles to reach the water bodies of Sindh.

Their arrival typically begins in November, and after a stay of around four months, they undertake their return journey in March to their native habitats.

The visiting birds consist of both aquatic and terrestrial species. According to experts, the migration is triggered by the extreme cold in their native regions, which causes a deep layer of snow to form, freezing their food sources. In search of more temperate climates and accessible food, these birds migrate to milder regions.

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