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Food consumers face rampant overpricing in metropolis

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Overpricing remained rampant this week with the official rates of essential food items, including fruits, vegetables and meat, largely ignored in the markets in the city.

The official poultry rate list remained unchanged for the third week with sellers complaining of unrealistic prices.

They said chicken meat prices, like those of other perishable goods, were affected by the supply and demand on a daily basis.

The official price of live chicken was set between Rs397 and Rs411 per kg, but it was sold at Rs460 to Rs480 per kg. Chicken meat was officially priced at Rs595, while market rates ranged between Rs670 and Rs740 per kg. Boneless chicken was listed at Rs1,000 to Rs1,100 in different areas of the metropolis.

Vegetable prices also saw significant differences. Potatoes were officially priced at Rs50 to Rs55 per kg but sold at Rs80 to Rs100.

The official rate for onions was Rs60 to Rs65 per kg, while market prices reached Rs80 to Rs100 per kg. Tomatoes, priced officially at Rs45 to Rs50 per kg, were sold between Rs100 and Rs120 per kg.

Local garlic was officially set at Rs300 but was available in the market for Rs500 per kg.

Ginger had an official rate of Rs360 to Rs375 per kg but was sold at Rs400 to Rs600.

Farm cucumbers were priced officially at Rs52 to Rs55 per kg but were sold between Rs80 and Rs120 per kg. Brinjal was fixed at Rs57 to Rs60 per kg but was sold at Rs100 to Rs120 per kg. Bitter gourd, which had an official rate of Rs162 to Rs170 per kg, was sold at Rs280 to Rs300 per kg.

Fruit prices also showed similar discrepancies. Apples were priced between Rs170 and Rs325 per kg officially, yet market prices ranged from Rs250 to Rs600 per kg. A-category bananas had an official price of Rs250 to Rs260 per dozen but were sold for Rs350 to Rs400 per dozen.

Guavas, fixed at Rs160 to Rs220 per kg, were available in the markets at Rs250 to Rs300 per kg.

Kinow, officially priced at Rs180 to Rs425 per dozen, was sold for Rs400 to Rs700 per dozen. Pomegranates of the Danaydar variety were set at Rs420 to Rs440 per kg but sold at Rs600 to Rs800 per kg. Strawberries had an official price of Rs200 to Rs465 per kg, yet market rates reached Rs350 to Rs450 per kg.

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