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Ben & Jerry's Blasted for Celebrating Abortion Providers, Claiming Pro-Life Laws Are 'White Supremacy'

Ben & Jerry’s Blasted for Celebrating Abortion Providers, Claiming Pro-Life Laws Are ‘White Supremacy’

Ben & Jerry’s faced swift backlash this week from the pro-life community after the behemoth ice cream brand took to X to celebrate “National Abortion Provider Appreciation Day.”

In a now-viral post, the company stated it “stand(s) with abortion providers today and every day,” claiming in an embedded graphic, “Abortion care providers are being threatened across the country.”

The X post linked to a landing page on the Ben & Jerry’s website, in which the company stated it “celebrate(s)” the “care” abortionists offer and urged people to “recognize that providers’ work is now harder than ever” because of “increasing legal attacks” and “even physical violence” aimed at abortion clinicians.

In the post, “5 Reasons We Stand With Providers on Abortion Provider Appreciation Day — And Every Day,” the company set its ire directly on conservatives and the Republican Party, pointing specifically to the 2022 overturning of Roe v. Wadethe U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark 1973 decision granting nationwide legal cover to abortion access.

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“(C)onservative politicians and anti-abortion activists have increased their efforts to intimidate and silence providers and close clinics,” the post read. “Hundreds of new laws limiting or eliminating access to abortion have been proposed over the past three years, many of them actively targeting providers.”

It later continued, “Providers and patients should never have to live in fear of doing their jobs or receiving care.”

The Ben & Jerry’s post went on to attach racial motivations to efforts limiting abortion access, claiming “communities of color are disproportionately impacted” by pro-life laws, even calling the shift “white supremacy in action.”

“Laws criminalizing abortion providers continue to make it harder for everyone to access reproductive care — especially black communities and other communities of color who already struggled for access, even under Roe,” it read. “Due to systemic racism in health care and society as a whole, people of color routinely experience worse healthcare and have greater maternal health risks. … Threatening people of color’s right to reproductive care through legal and physical intimidation is white supremacy in action. And it has to stop.”

There has been no shortage in the outrage toward Ben & Jerry’s.

Abby Johnson, a former Planned Parenthood executive turned pro-life activist, immediately condemned the post as “disgusting,” rebuking the brand for “cheering for the slaughter of innocent human beings.”

Fellow pro-life advocate Alison Centofante wrote, “Bye bye, Ben & Jerry’s!”

Michael Knowles, an author and conservative show host for The Daily Wire, called the post “psycho stuff,” adding, “No decent person should ever take another bite of this garbage again.”

Conservative influcer sarcastically wrote“Just a major ice cream company cheerleading for those who make a living killing preborn babies. Nothing to see here.”

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