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TikToker posing as gangster arrested

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Missri Shah police have arrested a TikToker accused of promoting gangster culture and reckless behaviour on social media.

The suspect, identified as Abdul Rehman alias “Kodu,” was wanted in an attempted murder case and had been actively posting threatening videos online.

According to the police spokesperson, Abdul Rehman had formed a “wheeling group” in the Shad Bagh area, where he and his associates would ride motorcycles recklessly in groups, intimidate locals, and create disturbances.

His social media videos, often featuring threats and displays of street dominance, had been gaining traction, raising concerns among law enforcement authorities.

Police officials stated that the crackdown was part of an ongoing effort to curb t he glorification of violence and gangsterism on digital platforms. They warned that strict action would be taken against individuals using social media to spread fear and lawlessness.

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