No agenda, no movement, no personality, Army Chief
Army Chief General Syed Asim Munirka has said that there is no agenda than national security, no movement, no personality.
Addressing the National Security Parliamentary Committee, he said that all stakeholders will have to work with harmony for sustainable establishment, it is a war of survival between us and our coming generations.
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We need to make better governance and the state of Pakistan, how long will we continue to sacrifice immense lives on a soft estate, how long will we continue to fill the governance gaps with the blood of Pakistan and martyrs?
Cover the distorted interpretation of Islam by the Ummah Khawarij, this is the country, so we are, there is nothing more for us than the security of the country, the protection of Pakistan has to adopt a statement beyond political and personal interests.
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In his address, he added that we will unite and thwart not only the terrorists but also their facilitators. We have full trust in Allah. Whatever happens, we will succeed.