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Patriarchal prison

In Pakistan, patriarchy is deeply ingrained in social norms and manifests itself in a variety of harmful practices. One of the cruellest manifestations is honour killing, in which a woman is often murdered by her family because they feel dishonoured by her actions or choices. Thousands of such cases occur every year, reflecting a tragic disregard for women’s lives. Domestic violence is another widespread problem. Due to cultural stigma and inadequate support systems, many women are forced to endure violence in silence, fearing further consequences if they seek help.

This cycle of abuse reinforces patriarchal control. Barriers to education also remain as families often prioritize boys’ education over girls’ education. Despite legal reforms, many girls are denied opportunities and their potential is limited and gender inequality persists. Lack of access to education leads to lack of personal and financial autonomy and reinforces men’s authority over personal and financial matters. Addressing these disparities is crucial to attaining gender equality

Khadija Shaikh


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