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بشار الاسد

Bashar al-Assad

After the overthrow of the Bashar al-Assad regime and the victory of the rebels, the horror stories of those released from Syrian prisons have come to light.

Al Jazeera confirmed a viral video on social media in which a prisoner said that ‘I had no name in prison, just a number, I was picked up by the Bashar regime and put in prison, my family thought I was dead.

Deposed Syrian President Bashar al-Assad took political asylum in Russia along with his family

Many others were also imprisoned without telling their families and spent years in jail, the youth said. We were to be hanged but now we are free.

Another prisoner, Ali Hassan, was freed from prison after 39 years. Ali Hassan was arrested by Syrian troops at a checkpoint in northern Lebanon in 1986. He was 18 years old and a university student. There was no trace of them.

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