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ایشیائی ترقیاتی بینک Asian development bank

Asian Development Bank has approved a loan of 200 million dollars for Pakistan

Asian Development Bank has approved a loan of 200 million dollars for Pakistan.

According to the announcement of the Asian Development Bank, a loan of twenty million dollars has been approved for Pakistan. The money will be spent on innovation of power distribution system in Pakistan.

This will help to modernize the electricity distribution system and improve reliable transmission. In the initial phase, support will be provided to 3 electricity distribution companies, LESCO, MAPCO and SEPCO will play an effective role for sustainable energy in their regions. .

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According to ADB’s announcement, the project will install more than three lakh advanced metering infrastructure, installation of data management and communication systems is also part of the project.

Under this project, monitoring systems will be installed on more than 15 thousand online transformers, the systems will be installed in Lahore, Multan and Sukkur Electric Supply Companies, the voltage of 4 grid stations of SEPCO will be increased from 66 KV to 132 KV.

At least 25 grid stations will be constructed and modernized in LESCO, these grid stations will also be provided with critical and modern equipment, 11 kV feeders with high losses will be replaced with modern cables, in addition to those with losses. The arrangement of feeder line will also be improved.

The purpose of strengthening the transmission system is to meet the increasing demand for electricity, upgrading and modernizing the transmission system is also the main objective of the project, this project will increase the capacity of distribution companies to provide sustainable electricity.

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