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Madrasahs are happy with the government's approval of the bill, JUI(F)

Madrasahs are happy with the government’s approval of the bill, JUI(F)

Leader JUI (F) Aslam Ghori says that Madrasahs are happy with the government on the approval of the bill, the government and the President’s House have been very supportive, our position has been recognized.

While talking in Hum News program “Khabar Aur Analiz”, he said that Madrasa Bill was made by the government in the 26th Amendment, this new bill was made in the PDM government. It was said by

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If the governments will accept external pressure, then we cannot even defend our country, only the government can tell about America, the government has resolved the issues amicably.

The rulers are worried and so is the opposition. The problems of the country will not be solved until fair and transparent elections. We will not stand in the way of the government for no reason. One should proceed from the heart.

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I am grateful to Ayaz Sadiq who first supported my position, we will see if the formal invitation to meet the founder PTI will come, we will see what are his TORs, what is the purpose of going.

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