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نادیہ خان

Nadia Khan’s response to those criticizing her age

Actress and TV host Nadia Khan gave a sharp reply to people who criticized her age and did not understand what she said, saying that her words were misunderstood and claimed that the age of the actress is 40 years.

Nadia Khan recently shared a YouTube video, in which she shared tips for women on how to look beautiful and attractive as they age, including taking care of their complexion and face.

Father himself used to prepare them for acting, Ayman and Manal Khan

The TV host clarified that Chalis ki Pete does not mean 40 years but can mean 40 to 49 years.

He further said regarding the people who misunderstand the meaning of his words and comment on his age, I wish such people would disappear, wherever they are, such people will spread evil, cause mischief, they should be ignored.

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