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Electric Vehicles are expected to decline in electricity rates for charging stations

Electric Vehicles are expected to decline in electricity rates for charging stations

Electricity rates are expected to be a major reduction for electric vehicles charging stations.

The basic tariff is likely to be reduced from Rs 45 to 54 paise to Rs 23, 58 paise, the NEPRA Authority has completed the price hearing for the charging stations.

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The Nipati Authority will review the policy on the federal request and issue a decision. The government will issue a final notification after the NEPRA decision on tariff reduction.

It is clear that the federal government last month announced 45 % cheaper for electric vehicles charging stations.

Energy Minister Owais Laghari said at a press conference that the energy sector is in progress, the rules and regulations of charging stations have been made for access to the people of electric vehicles.

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He said that there would be a charging station in every locality, permission will be allowed in this regard through the e -portal.

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